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Order Your New EPEA Gear Now

Writer: erie1educatorserie1educators

Wear your EPEA union gear proudly this school year and show your solidarity!

AmeriTeeUSA is once again providing quality clothing options emblazoned with the EPEA logo.

Orders are due by Oct. 18th, and will be delivered at our Nov. 5th general membership meeting, or at a later time by a union rep if you can't make the meeting.

To order, go to the AmeriTeeUSA website. EPEA items available are at the top under the "EPEA" tab. Click "order form" in the top right corner of the website. You have the option of mailing the form and payment to AmeriTee, or calling them directly to order.

The cost includes the tax plus $1.50. The $1.50 will go towards the annual EPEA scholarship fund.




Erie 1 Professional Education Association represents teachers and education professionals working for Erie 1 BOCES.


T: 716-200-2774


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